Monday, January 18, 2010

Easily Give to Redcross Haiti Relief

I am currently out of work but I think everyone, everywhere can find at least $10 to donate towards relief in Haiti. There are millions of people suffering, hungry and homeless with many lost love ones and Redcross offers a simple way to donate via your cellphone. Just dial 90999 and type in the word Haiti and send the text they will respond and ask you to type YES to confirm your donation of $10 and thats it, they automatically bill it to your cellphone.

If you think your struggling and your having a hard time just imagine how the people of Haiti are suffering and struggling just to live another day. Sometimes we think our lives are difficult but we have never had to experience such devistation as what has occurred in Haiti. If I was able to travel to Haiti myself I would be there to help out, but since I can't be there to help out and since I don't have alot of cash right now I figured I can manage at least $10 and then do my part to push other people to do the same, just think if everyone gave just $10 how much money could be raised to help those suffering so terribly. We have to say a prayer for all the people of Haiti both the dead and the survivors and thier families so that hopefully they will make it through this dark time in their lives.

So, please give $10 to Redcross via your cellphone or go to and just think if that were your family member suffering, you would want someone to reach out and help and lets remember right now every little bit helps. Well,that is my request to anyone who seems my blog that you give to Haiti and that you pass the message on to others around you as well, family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, church members, just push others to give in anyway they can. Thanks again for your support and lets all pray for Haiti...Let them know they haven't been forgotten and that we care!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

40 Years Old and Going Back To School!

Well, I have been thinking of going back to school for a long time now, and watching my husband work on his degree for the past couple years and decided it's my turn to do something for myself. So, I am now enrolled in school and will begin my first class the first week of February.

Yes, its a little scary to think about since its only been about 22yrs since I was in high school but it is necessary for me to be competitive in todays job market. I have been online looking up grants and scholarships for women, GA residents and undergraduates and have applied for a few but haven't got much money yet.

SO, I am also doing student loans and hoping to push through both my Associates and Bachelor degrees over the next couple years. If you have recently returned to school and have any advice for me on how to manage my time, where to go and apply for student loans, grants and scholarships, I would greatly appreciate your help.

My daughter Taylor has been a big inspiration for me as well to get back to school, she does so good in school and she just loves learning and doing things. I want to show her that mommy can go back to school and do it as well, also I want her to know that it doesn't matter what age you are, that you can always still follow through with your goals.

I am open to any advice you may have for me, so please feel free to comment..thanks again and I plan on getting back to my blogging for 2010..